Anchored Brick Veneer: What Can Go Wrong and How to Prevent This
4:30pm – 5:30pm
York Ballroom B–C
Daniel L. Isackson, AIA, RRC, LEED AP BD+C
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Credits: This session has been approved for 1.0 IIBEC CEH. | This session has been approved for 1.0 AIA LU/HSW. | 1 hour (60 min) of Education is eligible for 1 BSS Credit | 1 OAA Core Learning Hour | Session may qualify for PEEK CPD.
Session Topics(s): Exterior Wall: EW, Codes & Standards: C&S
Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, the attendee will be able to:
- Discuss key attributes, sustainability, and benefits of brick veneer.
- Identify common problems associated with various types of brick veneer failures and examples of what these deficiencies look like.
- Explain the importance of movement joints and the best practices for the location and design of these joints.
- Differentiate various types of brick veneer anchors and code requirements for anchor spacing.
- Interpret the code requirements and the best practices for brick cavity wall drainage.
This presentation is intended for architects and engineers involved in the design and/or investigation of anchored brick veneer. The presentation will discuss a brief history of the sustainability of brick and present real-life examples of anchored brick veneer failures/deficiencies. Observing the pattern, location, and nature of the brick failure can provide clues to the inherent design and/or construction deficiency. These deficiencies include the pattern and orientation of the crack (corner, stair-step pattern, vertical, horizontal), sealant failures, bowed brick veneer, and efflorescence. The presentation will provide an overview of code requirements and discuss the best practices for the design of new anchored brick veneer. The costs to repair deficient anchored brick veneer can be substantial; a proper design will ensure a long-term and durable brick veneer system, with minimal maintenance.
Daniel L. Isackson, AIA, RRC, LEED AP BD+C
Technical Director, Architectural Engineering
Daniel L Isackson is a technical director of architectural engineering at Rimkus with more than 35 years of experience in architectural design and construction administration on commercial and military buildings in the eastern United States. At Rimkus, he has experience with building enclosure investigation, property condition assessments, litigation, remediation design, and construction administration on commercial, military, and residential buildings. His investigative and design work includes wall cladding and roofing assemblies.